Author Topic: Crafting Guide  (Read 154 times)


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Crafting Guide
« on: July 23, 2012, 07:37:23 am »

Welcome guys to my Crafting Guide! Please take your Time , Rate and Comment. :D

So let's start off first , click on the skills teleport in your spell book.

Next , click on the Crafting and Hunter option ----> 

And then on Crafting ----->

Once done , you will appear in the Flax field. Here , start picking Flax as you need to have level 20 Crafting before using the Crafting Store. Here are my best 2 spots to pick -----> 

After picking some Flax ( Say about 20 ) , head to the spinning wheel and click on it. It should give you a message on your chat box like this , ----->

Ignore it and keep clicking on the wheel ( Don't spam ) 3-5 times and it should start crafting your Flax , ---->

Once you reach level 20 Craft , you are now able to use the Crafting Store. Head to the Store having some reasonable amount of cash in your inventory ( 10m Max ) and purchase a chisel. Next , purchase few Sapphire gems and Craft them ( Use chisel on the gem ). 

Once you reach level 60 Crafting , you should be able to Craft Dragon stone gems all the way to 99. Best way to train is start off by first buying 100-200 dragon stones and then Craft them at once. For really fast xp , here's my inventory set up which I used to get 99 Crafting. -----> 

That's basically it for Crafting.

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